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Saint Paul College A Community & Technical College

Student 组 & Organizations

参与课堂外的活动可以加强和扩展课堂上的学习. 作为一名mg电子试玩app的学生,你的归属感与你花在探索自己的激情和兴趣上的时间直接相关. 学生组织和兴趣小组为你创造了一个进一步发展这些兴趣和探索新兴趣的空间, while also connecting with your peers.

Community Unity Event

Diversity Real学生团体将于周三在mg电子试玩app(Marshall avenue 235号)举办一场双城社区活动, November 8th, 11 am-2pm. 这个活动是社区组织展示工作、实习和资源的机会 & products they have available to 学生s and campus community. 这次活动的收益将用于支持团体活动和教育. Community organizations can pay the event tabling fee below.

Community Unity Event Tabling Sign-up

Student Organizations & Interest 组

Honor Societies

Kappa Beta Delta, Alpha Beta Gamma Chapter

Kappa Beta Delta是mg电子试玩app商科专业的学术荣誉社团. 符合资格的会员将透过他们的圣保罗书院电邮帐户,自动收到九月或一月加入大伯乐的邀请. There is a one-time membership fee of $40. 资格包括(但不限于)就读于该学院60个商科专业之一, having completed at least 15 college-level credits, with 6 credits in their major, and having a GPA of 3.2 or higher.

Kimberley Turner-Rush
Instructor Business Programs

Phi Theta Kappa, Beta Xi Alpha Chapter

Phi Theta Kappa是两年制大学的国际荣誉协会. 符合条件的会员将通过他们的mg电子试玩app电子邮件帐户和普通邮件自动收到九月或一月加入的邀请. Eligibility includes (but is not limited to) being enrolled in an associate degree program; completing at least 12 credits of college-level coursework and obtaining a cumulative grade point average of 3.5. There is a one-time membership fee of $60.

Promeet Singh
Instructor, Business Programs

Common Questions

If you have a question and don’t see it listed, please contact Student Life or call 651.846.1659.

How do I start a 学生 group?
We recommend that you contact Student Life 讨论你感兴趣的小组,并了解这个过程. 你可以正式成立一个组织或兴趣小组 New Student Group Form. 所有新成立的学生组织必须制定章程,作为该组织的官方管理文件. 请注意,这份文件将在你与学生生活部的会面中分享.

How do I get members to join my 学生 group?
许多学生问他们班级或项目的成员是否愿意成为学生团体的一员, especially if the group aligns with your academic focus. Students will post to @spc学生life on Instagram, table in the cafeteria, or poster aroudn campus. 所有的学生组织也需要派人去每月 Student Senate General Assembly.

How are 学生 groups funded?
团体的资金由学生委员会通过资金申请程序批准的学生费用提供. They can also fundraise money using outside resources.

How do I find a 学生 organization advisor?
That depends on what kind of 学生 group you want to start. 学生组织必须有一名顾问,但兴趣团体则不需要. If you were starting a Student Chefs Organization, 询问烹饪艺术项目的教员可能是一个好的开始. 然而, 没有要求你的指导老师与学生团体的目的有正式的联系, only that they are a Saint Paul College staff or faculty member.

What are the responsibilities of a 学生 organization advisor?
A complete list of responsibilities can be found in the 顾问 Contract; however, their essential role is being a resource and guide for the group. 他们应该参加所有的会议,并协助制定小组目标, planning activities, 并为可能出现的其他想法或问题提供意见. 学生生活为辅导员提供培训和资源,帮助他们努力支持学生团体. 联系 学生 with questions.

How do I join Phi Theta Kappa?
Phi Theta Kappa是两年制大学的国家荣誉协会. To be invited to the organization, 你必须连续修满12个大学学分,才能获得AA级, AS, AAS degree or diploma and have a cumulative GPA of 3.50 or higher. 邀请函通常在每学期开始时(在公布上学期的成绩之后)由Phi Theta Kappa总部发出. 一定要检查你的垃圾文件夹设置,以防你的收件箱过滤掉你的邀请. If you have questions about eligibility, please contact Student Life.

What happens at a General Assembly?
学生会主席主持会议,让学生们分享信息, make decisions, or vote on issues relating to 学生s. 学生团体必须出席每届大会,以保持良好的信誉. 学生团体提供最近活动的最新信息,在各种大学委员会或工作小组工作的学生分享信息,并就正在做出的影响学生的决定征求意见. A typical meeting lasts for about an hour.

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