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圣保罗书院A社区 & 技术学院


访问 and 残疾 资源 offers the following assistive technology tools for students to check out on a sem​esterly basis. Please note that 访问 and 残疾 Resource’s inventory of assistive technology may change as technology evolves.

  1. Cpen Exam Reader: A Cpen is a hand-held scanning tool that can scan physical copies of text and read the text aloud. Cpen还具有阅读有限语言的能力.

    How this device can help students: The Cpen Exam Reader can help students who are auditory learners and/or students who have ADD, 注意力缺陷多动症, 或阅读障碍. 此外,这个工具还可以帮助正在学习阅读一门新语言的学生.

    盒子内包含的物品:购买的钢笔包括一个盒子, 说明书, 和USB充电线.

  2. Echo LiveScribe SmartPen: These hand-held writing tools have two features: writing and recording. 它们可以用来写笔记和录制可以回放给听者的音频. 智能笔需要该公司生产的特殊笔记本.

    How this device can help students: This tool is ideal for students who are taking courses that require a lot of writing and/or listening to lectures. This tool is also great for students who are auditory learners or who learn best by repetition of what they heard.

    附赠物品:购买智能笔时,附赠一本说明书, USB充电线, 起动器的笔记本, 以及用于Windows或Mac电脑的Echo桌面软件.

  3. Pebble Magnifier: These hand-held devices can zoom in on physical copies of text and allow modifications such as changing the color ratios of the text. 鹅卵石放大镜有一个4.3寸显示屏.

    How this device can help students: Pebble Magnifiers work well for students who are low-vision or who have sensitivity to color.


  4. Carson Magnifier: These hand-held tools are approximately 8 ½ x 11 and can magnify physical copies of text.

    How this device can help students: The Carson Magnifier is perfect for the busy student who is on the go! 它可以和作业、教学大纲、讲义等一起放在文件夹里. 可以在课堂上使用,也可以在家使用. This device helps students who have low vision and don’t want to use an electronic device.

  5. Cardionics 014-7700 E-Scope:适用于听力损失的个人. e - scope放大声音,包括听觉配件.

    How this device can help students: This stethoscope amplifies sound and subdues any background sound interference. 这个装置是为重听人士设计的.

  6. Domino Classic Personal Hearing Sy阀杆: In-ear auditory device that enhances sound and works in a way that allows the listener to feel like the speaker is talking directly to them even if they’re across the room from each other.

    How this device can help students: This device is best for students who are deaf/hard of hearing but don’t have hearing aids available to use. This personal hearing sy阀杆 amplifies sound and is ideal in an environment where there’s lots of background noise or if the student is sitting farther away from the instructor.

    Items included in box: This two-piece set includes a wireless receiver and transmitter, USB 通用充电器,帆布旅行箱,挂绳,耳塞,和手册.

  7. 屏幕阅读器软件:

    1. Kurzweil 3000: Screen reader software that has three different formats: Read the Web extension for Chrome and Firefox, 桌面软件, 在线账户访问. 库兹韦尔允许 用户除了在库兹韦尔创建新文档外,还可以上传Word文档和pdf文件. 库兹韦尔的主要特点包括文本到语音、放大和翻译工具.
    2. ReadSpeaker软件工具:允许用户突出显示文本的工具组合, 使用单词预测和自动完成写作, 个性化的设置, 在引导阅读时使用屏蔽屏,并为在线使用提供文本和语音.
    3. ReadSpeaker SpeakUp Extension: Strictly a text to speech tool for reading documents (Word 和PDF),以及Chrome网页.

    How Kurzweil 3000 and ReadSpeaker can help students: Both are a “do it all” type of software because of the multi-functionality each software offers to students.

    例如, Kurzweil can be a fit for students who have Dyslexia and who need software that can write their assignments for them via speech to text. Kurzweil can also be a fit for students who want their textbooks or web pages to be read aloud via text to speech software.

    ReadSpeaker can be a fit for students who have quizzes/exams in D2L and who want audio capabilities available to them while they test. ReadSpeaker’s DocReader can also be a good option for students who want to modify their reading materials in D2L.

  8. 音频记录器:这些手持设备记录音频并具有回放功能.

    How this device can help students: Students who are auditory learners and don’t want to/are 不能做笔记的人可以使用这个设备. 它的口袋, 为移动设备设计的, 并且可以为听很多讲座的学生保存许多音频文件.


  9. 第四代iPad air


    1. Voice Dream Reader: Voice Dream is a unique application that allows audio files to be stored and read aloud to the user. Students who need their textbooks in alternative text- specifically audio format- will be provided with an iPad that’s prepared for them with their audio files.
    2. DropBox: The vehicle of transfer for alternative text PDF files from a computer to an iPad.
    3. ToDoist: Many students need assistance with organizing and prioritizing their homework responsibilities. 除了icalcalendar, 这个应用程序将帮助学生创建列表, 组织他们的思想, 接收提醒.
    4. EverNote: This is another application that will help students color-coordinate their schedules, 将屏幕的颜色对比度从亮模式修改为暗模式, 记录音频, 扫描并添加附件, 等.
    5. 语音计算器:提供多种颜色主题的标准算术计算器, 语音广播按钮, 专为ipad优化的高清设计, 等.
    6. Timer+: Students who want to sk等h out time slots for when/ how long they spend on each class’s assignments will benefit from this application. Timer+运行多个计时器, 允许将时间小部件添加到主屏幕, 计时器重复, 可重用的计时器, 并支持暗模式.
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